(Cubala-Kucharska 2010) 自閉症の症状と治療法


Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2010;70(2):141-6.

The review of most frequently occurring medical disorders related to aetiology of autism and the methods of treatment.

Cubala-Kucharska M.
Foundation for the Development of Integrative Medicine, Piaseczno, Poland. info@drcubala.com

The medical understanding of autism has changed since it was first defined by Kanner. Nowadays medicine identifies many medical abnormalities and diseases, which may underline or aggravate the cognitive aspect, behavioural issues and general health in autists. This includes chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis, maldigestion, malabsorption, malnutrition, food intolerance, allergies, chronic viral, fungal and bacterial infections, impaired kidney function, impaired detoxification of endo- and exotoxins, disorders of metal ion transportation. Treatment of the above mentioned conditions combined with improving detoxification mechanisms, followed by a special diet and individually customized supplementation of nutritional deficiencies may lead to the improvement of the functioning of these patients, changing their level of functioning and self-dependence.
The aim of this paper is to present medical problems of children with autism which may be identified and treated by general practitioners as a review of current medical papers related to Autism Spectrum Disorder, in the context of author's professional experience, based on the medical cases from author's practice.
PMID: 20628438 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The review of most frequently occurring medical disorders related to aetiology of autism and the methods of treatment. - PubMed - NCBI


Nowadays science already identifies many biological disorders associated with this disease, which might play a role of etiological factors or can aggravate this condition. The researchers are identifying in autistic children numerous medical problems. Most prominent of them seem to be gastrointestinal tract pathologies, including dysbiosis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, celiac disease, maldigestion, malabsorption, food intolerance, and food allergies, leading to vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition (Horvath and Perman 2002). Immune system deficiencies occur in majority of autistic patients investigated to date. Chronic inflammation seems to play very important role in aggravating their conditions.
