(Green, et al. 2011) トライリンガル失語症の診断



http://informahealthcare.com/na101/home/literatum/publisher/ashley/journals/covergifs/clp/cover.jpgClin Linguist Phon. 2011 Mar 31. [Epub ahead of print]

Parallel recovery in a trilingual speaker: the use of the Bilingual Aphasia Test as a diagnostic complement to the Comprehensive Aphasia Test.

Green DW, Ruffle L, Grogan A, Ali N, Ramsden S, Schofield T, Leff AP, Crinion J, Price CJ.
Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences, University College London, London, UK.

We illustrate the value of the Bilingual Aphasia Test in the diagnostic assessment of a trilingual speaker post-stroke living in England for whom English was a non-native language. The Comprehensive Aphasia Test is routinely used to assess patients in English, but only in combination with the Bilingual Aphasia Test is it possible and practical to provide a full picture of the language impairment. We describe our test selection and the assessment it allows us to make.
PMID: 21453044 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

トライリンガル話者における並行回復: 包括的失語検査の診断補完としてのバイリンガル失語症検査の使用